
R. rugosa 'Flamingo'
Rugosa roses , Howard , 1956

  • Colour: Pink
  • Scent: Zeer geurend
  • Repeat flowering: ( June - October)
  • Height: 100 - 120 cm
  • Plant habit: Ascending
  • Flower: Single , Large , 12 cm
    • Bijenplant
    • Standplaats:  Sun (>4h)
    • Plantafstand:  70cm
    • Vorstbestendigd:  tot -15°C

    A beautiful rugosa hybrid with single, highly scented pink flowers and nice red stamens. Upright growth. Height: 100-120 cm.

    A beautiful rugosa hybrid with single, highly scented pink flowers and nice red stamens. Upright growth. Height: 100-120 cm.

    • Bijenplant
    • Standplaats:  Sun (>4h)
    • Plantafstand:  70cm
    • Vorstbestendigd:  tot -15°C

    Alternative plants:

    Anna Scharsach
    Fragrance: Zeer geurend
    Hybrid Perpetual 
    Height: 120 - 150cm
    Geschwind , 1890
    Repeat flowering
    Baronne Prevost
    Fragrance: Zeer geurend
    Hybrid Perpetual 
    Height: 125 - 150cm
    Desprez , 1842
    Repeat flowering
    Pink Perfection, Sophie Dav...
    Fragrance: Zeer geurend
    Hybrid Tea 
    Height: 100 - 120cm
    Kordes , 2007
    Repeat flowering
    Fragrance: Zeer geurend
    English Roses 
    Height: 80 - 100cm
    D. Austin , 2012
    Repeat flowering
    Jens Munk
    Fragrance: Fragrant
    Rugosa roses 
    Height: 120 - 150cm
    Département d’Agriculture Canada , 1974
    Pink Grootendorst
    R. rugosa 'Pink Grootendors...
    Fragrance: Licht geurend
    Rugosa roses 
    Height: 100 - 125cm
    Grootendorst , 1923
    Repeat flowering
    Ritausma, R. rugosa 'Polare...
    Fragrance: Fragrant
    Rugosa roses 
    Height: 100 - 120cm
    A. Rieksta , 1963
    Repeat flowering
    R. rugosa
    Fragrance: No fragrance
    Botanical species  Rugosa roses 
    Height: 100 - 125cm
    Sold out
    Repeat flowering
    Sarah van Fleet
    R. rugosa 'Sarah van Fleet'...
    Fragrance: Zeer geurend
    Rugosa roses 
    Height: 125 - 150cm
    Van Fleet , 1926
    Repeat flowering
    R. rugosa 'Scabrosa'
    Fragrance: Zeer geurend
    Rugosa roses 
    Height: 120 - 150cm
    Harkness , 1950
    Repeat flowering

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