Fée des Neiges, IcebergOne of the most popular roses. A large spray rose with large, pure white flowers, loosely filled, lightly scented and continuing to flower until late in the winter. Does well on poor soil, too.
- Standplaats: Possible in partial shade (>3u sun)
- Plantafstand: 45cm cm of 4.0 planten /m 2
- Vorstbestendigd: tot -15°C
Robust spray rose, originating from a cross between the Musk Hybrid 'Robin Hood' and the tea hybrid 'Virgo'. ‘Schneewittchen', with its many synonyms such as 'Iceberg' and 'Fée des neiges', quickly forms a heavy plant with fairly large, semi-double, pure white flowers. The leaf is pale green and glossy. In recent years, starvation mildew has appeared as of July. This does not prevent the plant from flowering, the rose continues to bloom abundantly until late in the winter. The plant has few spines. Very suitable for beds, in groups between shrubs and perennials, in pots or containers and as a cut rose. Was elected World’s Best in 1983.
Robust spray rose, originating from a cross between the Musk Hybrid 'Robin Hood' and the tea hybrid 'Virgo'. ‘Schneewittchen', with its many synonyms such as 'Iceberg' and 'Fée des neiges', quickly forms a heavy plant with fairly large, semi-double, pure white flowers. The leaf is pale green and glossy. In recent years, starvation mildew has appeared as of July. This does not prevent the plant from flowering, the rose continues to bloom abundantly until late in the winter. The plant has few spines. Very suitable for beds, in groups between shrubs and perennials, in pots or containers and as a cut rose. Was elected World’s Best in 1983.
- Standplaats: Possible in partial shade (>3u sun)
- Plantafstand: 45cm cm of 4.0 planten /m 2
- Vorstbestendigd: tot -15°C
- World Federation of Rose Societies (1,983): Wereldtoproos - World's Favourite Rose
- World Federation of Rose Societies , 1,983 , Wereldtoproos - World's Favourite Rose
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